Parent Newsletter Archives

Email blast

Principal’s Newsletter 3/17/23

Dr. Fadia Desmond

Dear St. Francis Families,

Last month I announced that we were beginning the visionary work of strategic planning as part of an ongoing effort to ensure St. Francis Catholic High School remains strong and vibrant. As you know, to optimize this long range planning process for our school we engaged the services of Meitler, a national Catholic school planning firm. An important part of our planning involves hearing from families who currently have daughters enrolled at St. Francis High School.

That’s why I’m asking you to complete this short survey; it should take less than ten minutes, and will influence areas across campus including educational programs, enrollment and facilities. All responses are confidential; one survey per household. The survey link will be open until Monday, March 27.

All of your daughters are helping me too – they completed their own strategic planning survey in class earlier this week with the incentive of free dress going to the class with the highest response rate. To keep things fair, we are also awarding free dress to the class with the highest parent participation rate (again, only one survey per family please regardless of your level of enthusiasm for your daughter!). I knew there would be a way to make this fun – a skill I learned from our Troubies!

In the spirit of Pax et Bonum,

Dr. Fadia Desmond

Email blast

Principal’s Newsletter 3/10/23

Lisa Wilkins

Dear St. Francis Families,

This week we hosted the Class of 2027 for Freshman Welcome Night on, appropriately enough, International Women’s Day. Our brand new Troubies learned interesting things about their class, like they come from 53 different schools and the names Ava, Grace, Lily and Sophia are well represented.

They also learned that we have a vibrant community of students and parents who are excited to be a part of their St. Francis journey. From the parent volunteers who greeted them and handed out folders and t-shirts to the members of the five parent groups staffing tables, it was evident that the St. Francis community is welcoming, inclusive, supportive, and enthusiastic.

Parents are truly our best brand ambassadors, and it was wonderful for our new families to see how invested St. Francis parents are, not just in their own daughters’ education, but in all St. Francis students, and our community. We so appreciate you sharing your positive St. Francis experience with friends, neighbors, and colleagues and helping us to grow the next class of freshmen and transfer students. Our new parents are proud to join your ranks, and we are grateful for your support.

We have another special ask of our current parents coming your way next week. Please keep your eyes open for the parent survey supporting the long range visioning process of our Strategic Planning work. We rely on and appreciate your input and insights in the survey that will appear in next week’s newsletter.

In the spirit of Pax et Bonum,

Lisa Wilkins
Director of Enrollment Management

Email blast

Principal’s Newsletter 3/3/23

Elias Mendoza

Dear St. Francis Families,

This week marked the end of the third quarter, as well as course registration for the 2023-24 school year. The remaining 11-weeks of this semester are going to move pretty quickly, and I ask that you keep an eye on the calendar and subsequent announcements to stay on top of all the end-of-year events.

Not that I’m counting, but Easter Break is only four weeks away! While it may appear like an eternity to our Troubies, it will be here before they know it. Please continue to motivate your daughter/s to get them to that much needed break. Encourage them to plan ahead, and meet with their teachers and academic Counselors if needed. That way they can enjoy the break before they return to finish off the semester.

On this second Friday of the Lenten Season, I hope your acts of abstinence and fasting bring you closer to our Lord, Jesus Christ.

St. Francis of Assisi, pray for us!
St. Clare of Assisi, pray for us!

In the spirit of Pax et Bonum (peace and goodness),

Elias Mendoza 

Email blast

Principal’s Newsletter 2/24/23

Elias Mendoza

Dear St. Francis Families,

This week we celebrated a beautiful Ash Wednesday Mass in our gymnasium, and welcomed a number of parents, grandparents, and family members. I am always moved by the beauty of our service and the involvement of our Troubies. We are truly blessed to have such a dedicated parent community that supports and cherishes our Catholic values.

I am also happy to welcome Dr. Felicia Haecker as our new Diversity Coordinator. She will officially join the St. Francis staff on Tuesday, February 28. I look forward to you meeting and interacting with her in the near future.

Additionally, as we begin the Lenten Season this week, I offer you the following prayer: 

Heavenly Father,

As we enter our Lenten journey, guide us to the path that leads to you. Fill our hearts with gratitude, patience, strength, and peace as we strive to become the best version of ourselves, honestly admitting our shortcomings and sins.

As we renew our resolve each day to become a better person, let us hear your voice in the deepest reaches of our heart. Give us rest in you.

Help us to accept others, showing them your great love instead of casting judgment.

Stay with us through the busy days this week, and remind us that when we need comfort, solitude, wisdom, or guidance, we can always turn to you.

Help us develop discipline and generosity through fasting and almsgiving and come closer to you through prayer this Lent.

St. Francis of Assisi, pray for us!
St. Clare of Assisi, pray for us!

In the spirit of Pax et Bonum (peace and goodness),

Elias Mendoza 

Email blast

Principal’s Newsletter 2/17/23

Elias Mendoza

Dear St. Francis Families,

As we close out the third week of February, it’s important to note that we have 13-weeks remaining in the school year and plenty of work to do in the meantime. Please encourage your Troubies to keep their eyes on the prize and not lose sight of the finish line, whether it be graduation or completing their current grade level. Summer break will be here before they know it.

I hope you have a wonderful Presidents Holiday and get some time to enjoy the three-day weekend. We look forward to the coming week, as we begin course registration for the 2023-2024 school year. 

Dear Lord, thank you for all the men and women who have given their talents to educating our young women. We thank them for their hard work and dedication, and we pray that they may continue to work in support of our school.

St. Francis of Assisi, pray for us!
St. Clare of Assisi, pray for us!

In the spirit of Pax et Bonum (peace and goodness),

Elias Mendoza 

Email blast

Principal’s Newsletter 2/10/23

Elias Mendoza

Dear St. Francis Families,

Earlier this week, official acceptance letters went out to our new Troubies and their families. The class of 2027 will come to St. Francis in a few short weeks to formally register for their classes. We are excited to welcome all of our new families, and look forward to a fun, faith-filled and rewarding four years together.  

Also, as you are aware, Valentine’s Day is next Tuesday, February 14, and several of our students ask about balloons, flowers, stuffed animals, chocolates, and other items being delivered. We do not accept any deliveries for students due to health and safety concerns, as well as our inability to store them in the front office. We encourage students to celebrate after school and/or have those items delivered to her home address. We appreciate your understanding, and I hope all of our Troubies feel loved and appreciated on Valentine’s Day.

St. Francis of Assisi, pray for us!
St. Clare of Assisi, pray for us!

In the spirit of Pax et Bonum (peace and goodness),

Elias Mendoza 